
The promised Oasis

A flourishing jungle in the heart of a bone-dry barren desert? That only happens in dreams, right? Well, think again. To unfold the story of an investor company helping small companies growin unknown remote areas, guests were invited to a truly multi-sensorynarrative journey starting off in the bleak, desolate desert.  Here in this barren, unfruitful and harsh environment - where life is pretty non-existent - The Tribal King was on the hunt for fertile ground. Aside from the oppressive heat andoccasionally disorienting terrain The King and his devoted disciples soon discovered howunforgiving the desert can be as they faced various poisonous acrobatic snakes. Thank heavens the commitment and thirst for success of our dignified delegation paid off. At the end of their challenging quest The King and his loyal nomads got a very warm welcomefrom the Sun Goddess hovering above their heads. Whilst the hospitable deity morphed intoa Water Goddess she blessed the wasteland with desert rain turning it into a lavish oasisinhabited by colorful birds-of-paradise and other fascinating creatures.
Moral of the story, never let your dream fade in the sands of time.



We always start by imagining.


Do you want a dream event, mindblowing entertainment or a wild spectacle? Contact us and we will be happy to create that memorable experience.


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Everything you can imagine is real

-Pablo Picasso-


Do you want a dream event, mindblowing entertainment or a wild spectacle? Contact us and we will be happy to create that memorable experience.


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